Wednesday, July 30, 2008

InDesign v Quark: Guides


Quark has a utility called Guide Manager under the Utilities menu. You can add a number of horizontal and vertical guides with this tool. You can also remove guides that have been added in the same utility. What's odd about this tool is that you cannot use it on a master page, which would make the most sense. You can add the guides to All Pages or All Spreads, but as soon as you add additional pages, those guides are not on the new pages.


Under the Layout menu, go to Create Guides. You can specify the number of Row and Column guides and fit them either to the page or to the margins. This tool can be used on master pages - where it probably should be used.


If grids are really important to you, then creating a logical set of guides to help you during the design process is very helpful. However, if your design does not neatly fit into a specific grid or only requires a few grid lines, then neither of these tools are anything to gain from.

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